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Fog and Nature


Beautiful Nature
A Surreal Experience ...

Our England adventure turned out to be the epoch for the next stage of my life - my initiation into LIFE as it really is. Two years turned into 11 and I’m now a UK citizen. The first five years felt like a honeymoon period. I retrained as a complementary therapist - focusing on body work, trauma release in the body, energy work and the mind-body-spirit connection, which includes Energy Psychology. All my training led me up a progressive path of self inquiry, enabling me to heal from my past traumas and gain a deeper understanding of the mind, body connection.

I immersed myself in my training and provided complementary therapy services to cancer patients in a charity trust and hospitals, as well as running my own private practice. Through my therapeutic work on myself and with my clients, I shifted into a place of joy, peace and bliss. During this time I experienced merging and becoming ‘One’ with all of life for about 18 months. I felt truly inspired!

Image by Tim Swaan

Unfortunately my beautiful experience did not last. My feeling of Oneness left me and I sank into a deep abyss. I went through the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’.

In an attempt to pull myself out of my dark state - like unpeeling layers of an onion - I embarked on another quest to heal issues from my childhood and some adult experiences that I thought I had dealt with. I found that I still had more to learn about myself, but this time on a spiritual level. Through working on myself in this way, I became an explorer of various spiritual and religious paths and practices, I investigated Shadow Work and Astrology.  My journey enabled me a deep understanding of the evolutionary process of the Soul and I realised that I am a Seeker of the Truth. I went deep within myself and I uncovered my Soul.  For the first time - I met ME!


It was here that I finally understood that life is not about fixing our ‘brokenness’. Every mystical branch of mainstream religion told me I wasn’t broken. It was my psychology that was - the rules imprinted on my psyche through my conditioning and the ones I made up in my mind.  This is what prevented me from living a full life.


I’m still on my journey, seeing where LIFE will take me…Only now, I rely less on the map of my rational mind.  Instead, I have surrendered to my inner knowing …

My experiences have enabled my understanding of the human condition and the process of life in a very deep and profound way. I now use my knowledge and experience to inspire others who are seeking to know themselves, explore deeper universal truths, and experience each moment fully.

I meet you where you are. I honour that place and lead you to deeper insight. I inspire you to be courageous in taking tiny steps towards transcending your unconscious conditioning, and achieving freedom from limiting thought and dis-ease - thus living into your potential!

LIFE it is a beautiful path when you know how to navigate it.


I am from South Africa.  Years ago I embarked on a two year adventure with my family, crossing land and ocean to live in England. I left behind a successful IT and HR career to support my husband with a job opportunity. Our decision was also based on the fact that we were living in constant fear, after being victims of brutal crime on three occasions. At the time South Africa was going through a transition into democracy.  We lived in communities where people were constantly striving to prove themselves and motivated by competition. It was an exhausting and unfulfilling life. A Rat Race! I call this my ‘survival stage. 


The invitation to live abroad could not have come at a more opportune moment.


During this time I also experienced  becoming a victim of crime which caused physical, mental and emotional trauma.  I went through ups and downs of inspiration, revelations,  despair and physical illness as well as being triggered by many growth catalysts (both ‘good’ and ‘bad’). I now realise this was all about mobilising myself to get out of my comfort zone (that place of emotional security that keeps one stuck).


At this point I also started on a quest to understand myself through psychology, energy work and body work.

An Initiation and Integration...

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For any general enquires, feel free to email me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Anusha Pillay


Transformational Life Coach

(Robbins-Madanes Trained Coach)

EFT Practitioner

Holistic Body Worker

Evolutionary Astrologer

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