Body Work

Therapeutic / Holistic Massage:
Therapeutic or Holistic massage relates to treating mind, body and spirit.
It is designed to ease chronic pain; help restore functional movement and increase limited range of motion in areas of the body where pain and restriction are felt. The aim is to restore you to having a sense of emotional wellbeing where you experience feeling grounded in your body, joy in your heart and clarity of mind which facilitates your spiritual connection to yourself and to the world.
Overwhelming mental and emotional stress creates an overload on the nervous system which in turn causes blockages in neural pathways that transmit into the tissue of the body. The blockages can be experienced as unlimited symptoms such as aches, pains, stiffness, heat and cold, just to name a few, in the muscles and tissue of the body. This in turn can cause a dysfunction in areas of the body or limited range of movement.
Therapeutic Massage can help if you:
Have aches and pains in your body?
Suffer tension in your body?
Feel stiff, restricted or limited in your body?
Have a strong desire to feel the support and comfort of touch?
Feel overwhelmed by your everyday routine and need time-out for relaxation?
Feel emotionally drained?
What You Can Expect?
I will conduct a holistic health consultation in which I will determine if there are any contra-indications to treatment and mental and emotional stress. You will be asked to undress down to your underwear, lay on the treatment couch and cover yourself with a towel. You will then receive a therapeutic/holistic massage from me in which I will use a carrier oil or therapeutic massage oil of your choosing. The massage will entail using various massage and myofascial techniques to effect the required physiological change.
The frequency of the massage sessions will be determined by the severity of the pain or symptoms you experience and your progress from the treatments. The treatments are completely tailored to you and can include:
Indian Head Massage
Scar Work
Facial Massage
Price Guidelines:
Prices range between £65 and £115 per treatment / service offered on a prorate hourly basis and depends on location.
All payments are due before a session by bank transfer. You will receive an e-mail that contains banking details once a session has been booked.
It is part of my mission to help all those who want to help themselves, so feel free to reach out to see how I can assist you if you find yourself outside these guidelines.
Contact me to book an appointment / inquire for more information.
Clinic: Guildford (Thursday: 1pm - 5pm)
Eton Wick (Friday: 11am - 6pm)

What Is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a treatment primarily done on the feet and hands that dates back to Ancient Egypt, India and China. It is based on the principle that reflexes on the hands and feet can be mapped to organs, glands and structures of the body. It also works on the holographic principle that each part of the body represents the whole body. Thus in recent times, reflexology is also being done on the face and ears as well.
Reflexology is a non-invasive complementary therapy that is carried out by the therapist on the hands or feet of the client. It can be used safely alongside standard healthcare to promote wellbeing in a person. The reflexologist will consult with the client to ensure that they are not treating anything that is contra-indicated. Anyone can have the treatment – from new born to those receiving end of life care to everyone in between.
A Typical Reflexology Treatment:
The client is fully clothed with shoes and socks removed, while lying on a treatment bed / couch or reclining chair and may be covered with a blanket if required. The practitioner will make use of their thumbs, fingers and hands to stimulate or sedate certain reflexes on the feet or hands to induce relaxation in the body. It is possible that someone receiving the treatment can experience some discomfort on certain areas of the foot. The discomfort is transient, and relaxation soon returns. The reflexologist will skilfully guide the client through these points during the treatment.
The client may also experience some side effects after the treatment. Symptoms range from: being very happy; flu like symptoms; mild to severe headaches; very relaxed; sleepy; emotional or very alert. The symptoms are all dependent on the individual and how their body is processing the treatment. The symptoms do not last for more than 3 days and become milder and milder. If they persist the reflexologist will recommend that the client see a medical doctor as it is likely will have nothing to do with the treatment.
Aim of Reflexology Treatment:
The aim of the treatment is to relax the person which in turns calms their nervous system and helps bring balance to the body systems that are causing stress in the body. When done regularly it can facilitate the regulation of the nervous system to levels that promote health and wellbeing.
Reflexology should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advise.
Reflexologists do not claim to diagnose, cure or prescribe.
Price Guidelines:
Prices range between £65 and £115 per treatment / service offered on a prorate hourly basis and depends on location.
All payments are due before a session by bank transfer. You will receive an e-mail that contains banking details once a session has been booked. A confirmation email will be sent to you once payment has been received.
It is part of my mission to help all those who want to help themselves, so feel free to reach out to see how I can assist you if you find yourself outside these guidelines.
Contact me to book an appointment / inquire for more information.
Clinic: Guildford (Thursday: 1pm - 5pm)
Eton Wick (Friday: 11am - 6pm)
Body Realignment:

A light touch, painless therapy designed to free up areas of tension and restriction which may be causing you pain and putting your body out of balance and alignment.
The therapy was derived and developed over the years from a technique called Bio-mobility - a beautifully simple way of helping the body to release pain by applying pressure to key points while gently guiding the body back into the position in which it was damaged in order to release the holding pattern of injury.
Bio-mobility in turn, developed from Ortho-Bionomy which was developed decades ago by osteopath Arthur Pauls in recognition of the body’s need to release patterns of holding trauma within the muscles and fascia (LINK to What is Fascia).
I was trained by Jan Trewartha of Body in Harmony (https://www.bodyinharmony.org.uk).
It will benefit you if you …
Have acute or chronic pain for no apparent reason
Have experienced physical and / or emotional trauma that is unresolved
Have limited or restricted range of movement in the body
Have scars that restrict movement in the body
Suffer inflammation in the body
Have had recent operations that affect your normal range of movement
Feel misaligned in your body and its affecting what you would like to do
Have a sense of disintegration in the body
Feel numbness in your body that is unrelated to known neuropathy
How a Body Realignment Treatment works and its benefits …
I will take your medical history and assess you. If you have scarring, I will ask to work on the scars first, combining that work with Body Realignment during each session. Freeing the scars and adhesions helps release internal tension and distortion and allows for a more permanent effect from the realignment part of the session.
Once you feel you have returned to your state of equilibrium and the pain has reduced or resolved, it is recommended that you have a couple of follow up sessions at monthly intervals. Thereafter, depending on how stressful your life is, you may find it beneficial to have Body Realignment as a preventive measure four to six monthly.
The therapy focuses on the entire body and not just the injured or dysfunctional area. The reason being, that once an injury occurs and affects functionality of the body, the body will automatically create a compensation pattern throughout to protect the area.
In other words, because the normal muscle movement and tissue have been affected, the body adapts in a way that impacts the efficiency of the body on varies levels: superficially on the epidermis to viscerally (affecting the organs) – Example, an injury to the elbow could affect the functionality of the knee and hip or even the underlying organs in the pelvis.
Since the body has been stuck in incorrect alignment, sometimes for a long period (chronic), one treatment is rarely sufficient. The body needs to be re-educated and this means that consolidating treatments are needed to reinforce and to remind the body of what it’s new ‘normal’ is.
Neuroscience now proves how the mind and the body are inextricably linked. Unresolved emotional trauma can be stored in the tissue of the body. If it is the case then the treatment will release the emotional blocked energy from the nervous system, leading to lowering of stress levels and a general improvement in emotional stability.
Other benefits of Body Realignment are:
It is gentle, intuitive and painless;
It is deeply relaxing;
It facilitates the release of physical and emotional trauma;
It restores the integrity of the soft tissues of the body;
It eliminates toxins and helps restore alignment.
The body releases its muscle holding patterns in the position of damage
It helps restore circulation of blood, lymph and energy
It normally helps release tension and restrictions in the fascia
There is a focus on the whole body and not just the injured or symptomatic area
It is possible that at a stage of the treatment, the body may become resistant to further progress towards realignment, I would then recommend a mind intervention such as EFT/Tapping to ensure that we clear any possible emotional and mental blocks (limiting beliefs and outdated values) which hold the body in it’s physical pattern. This is optional and a client has the choice to continue with me on a different pathway and return once the blocks are cleared - or I can refer to other practitioners in my network.
Price Guidelines:
Prices range between £85 and £115 per treatment / service offered on a prorate hourly basis and depends on location.
All payments are due before a session by bank transfer. You will receive an e-mail that contains banking details once a session has been booked. A confirmation email will be sent to you once payment has been received.
It is part of my mission to help all those who want to help themselves, so feel free to reach out to see how I can assist you if you find yourself outside these guidelines.
Contact me to book an appointment / inquire for more information.
Clinic: Guildford (Thursday: 1pm - 5pm)
Eton Wick (Friday: 11am - 6pm)